Wednesday 14th of april, EEP
Today we were in Delft. After having lunch at Van Nature, we split up in three groups. The afternoon contained two parts: The social assignment and the fine time. For the social assignment, the dutch students had organized a meeting at a municipality centre for children and young adults, who have problems participating in society. A friendly woman told us about her job. She helps children who have problems at home or at school by talking to them and motivating them. This way she supports them to change the way they are living now. They get a better chance at good future. She showed us the building and after this we went back to the place where we had lunch. Then the fine time started. We split up in groups again. Our group, group 2, rent ‘kickbikes’ (dutch: steps/ Italian: monopattino). With the kickbikes we went to the Nieuwe Kerk. We walked around inside the church and looked at the grave of Willem of Oranje, who was murdered in Delft in 1584. After this we climbed the stairs of the tower of the church. Those were a LOT of stairs, but it was really worth it because of the view. We left the church and took a break on the square. The sun was shining so we were very lucky. After the break we returned the kickbikes to the rental, where we got a tiny pair of clogs as a souvenir. Then the fine time was over and everybody could relax, shop or enjoy the sun. At seven o’clock we had dinner at Het Pakhuis. We all got six little dishes to share in pairs. First we had sushi and raw salmon. After this we got baked fish and little seasoned pancakes. The last dishes were pasta with pesto and feta and some chicken. We enjoyed dinner very much because of the different dishes. It was funny to see how the Italians couldn’t handle the Chinese chopsticks very well, unlike the Dutch students! In the end everybody got a bit tired because of the walking, kickbiking and climbing stairs, but we had a very nice day!
Jennifer & Patrizia
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